martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Mis estadísticas

Buenos días
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Estadísticas totales

En total he jugado 2120 de las que he ganado 1367 he perdido 608 y he empatado 145.

Por formatos

Overall record: 272-138-28
Total number of matches: 438
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.341463
Win percentage including draws: 62.100457

Overall record: 682-245-75
Total number of matches: 1002
Win percentage ignoring draws: 73.570658
Win percentage including draws: 68.063872

Booster Draft:
Overall record: 175-103-20
Total number of matches: 298
Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.949640
Win percentage including draws: 58.724832

Overall record: 18-7-1
Total number of matches: 26
Win percentage ignoring draws: 72.000000
Win percentage including draws: 69.230769

Casual - Limited:
Overall record: 4-6-0
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 40.000000
Win percentage including draws: 40.000000

Overall record: 12-10-1
Total number of matches: 23
Win percentage ignoring draws: 54.545455
Win percentage including draws: 52.173913

Block Constructed:
Overall record: 22-10-0
Total number of matches: 32
Win percentage ignoring draws: 68.750000
Win percentage including draws: 68.750000

Rochester Draft:
Overall record: 2-1-0
Total number of matches: 3
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.666667
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Trios - Limited:
Overall record: 2-0-1
Total number of matches: 3
Win percentage ignoring draws: 100.000000
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Overall record: 146-76-14
Total number of matches: 236
Win percentage ignoring draws: 65.765766
Win percentage including draws: 61.864407

2 HG Sealed:
Overall record: 9-3-1
Total number of matches: 13
Win percentage ignoring draws: 75.000000
Win percentage including draws: 69.230769

Overall record: 23-9-4
Total number of matches: 36
Win percentage ignoring draws: 71.875000
Win percentage including draws: 63.888889

Por torneos

World Magic Cup Qualifier:
Overall record: 4-5-0
Total number of matches: 9
Win percentage ignoring draws: 44.444444
Win percentage including draws: 44.444444

Magic Celebration:
Overall record: 4-6-0
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 40.000000
Win percentage including draws: 40.000000

Magic Grand Prix:
Overall record: 32-24-0
Total number of matches: 56
Win percentage ignoring draws: 57.142857
Win percentage including draws: 57.142857

Magic Grand Prix Trial:
Overall record: 25-9-2
Total number of matches: 36
Win percentage ignoring draws: 73.529412
Win percentage including draws: 69.444444

Magic National Championship - Closed:
Overall record: 13-7-1
Total number of matches: 21
Win percentage ignoring draws: 65.000000
Win percentage including draws: 61.904762

Magic Launch Party:
Overall record: 20-13-2
Total number of matches: 35
Win percentage ignoring draws: 60.606061
Win percentage including draws: 57.142857

Magic National Qualifier:
Overall record: 12-7-0
Total number of matches: 19
Win percentage ignoring draws: 63.157895
Win percentage including draws: 63.157895

Magic Event (TO Level 2 and Higher):
Overall record: 64-28-4
Total number of matches: 96
Win percentage ignoring draws: 69.565217
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Tenth Anniversary Event:
Overall record: 4-2-1
Total number of matches: 7
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.666667
Win percentage including draws: 57.142857

Friday Night Magic:
Overall record: 720-276-79
Total number of matches: 1075
Win percentage ignoring draws: 72.289157
Win percentage including draws: 66.976744

Magic Prerelease:
Overall record: 169-80-23
Total number of matches: 272
Win percentage ignoring draws: 67.871486
Win percentage including draws: 62.132353

Summer of Magic:
Overall record: 2-5-1
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 28.571429
Win percentage including draws: 25.000000

Overall record: 155-69-18
Total number of matches: 242
Win percentage ignoring draws: 69.196429
Win percentage including draws: 64.049587

Magic Pro Tour Qualifier:
Overall record: 50-36-0
Total number of matches: 86
Win percentage ignoring draws: 58.139535
Win percentage including draws: 58.139535

Magic Tournament:
Overall record: 88-40-14
Total number of matches: 142
Win percentage ignoring draws: 68.750000
Win percentage including draws: 61.971831

8 players Side Events:
Overall record: 2-1-0
Total number of matches: 3
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.666667
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Side Events - Prerelease:
Overall record: 3-0-0
Total number of matches: 3
Win percentage ignoring draws: 100.000000
Win percentage including draws: 100.000000

Por jugadores

Sandoval, Bernardo N:
Overall record: 56-32-10
Total number of matches: 98
Win percentage ignoring draws: 63.636364
Win percentage including draws: 57.142857

Campillo, Enrique:
Overall record: 55-12-2
Total number of matches: 69
Win percentage ignoring draws: 82.089552
Win percentage including draws: 79.710145

Garcia, Sergio:
Overall record: 16-32-4
Total number of matches: 52
Win percentage ignoring draws: 33.333333
Win percentage including draws: 30.769231

Temprano Moras, Cristofer:
Overall record: 33-10-5
Total number of matches: 48
Win percentage ignoring draws: 76.744186
Win percentage including draws: 68.750000

Llamastario, Guillermo:
Overall record: 19-17-10
Total number of matches: 46
Win percentage ignoring draws: 52.777778
Win percentage including draws: 41.304348

Fern Ndez Del R¡o, V¡ctor:
Overall record: 25-11-5
Total number of matches: 41
Win percentage ignoring draws: 69.444444
Win percentage including draws: 60.975610

Alvarez Valbuena, H‚ctor:
Overall record: 23-14-3
Total number of matches: 40
Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.162162
Win percentage including draws: 57.500000

Calvo Lopez, Enrique E:
Overall record: 16-17-6
Total number of matches: 39
Win percentage ignoring draws: 48.484848
Win percentage including draws: 41.025641

Fernandez, Juan:
Overall record: 28-7-2
Total number of matches: 37
Win percentage ignoring draws: 80.000000
Win percentage including draws: 75.675676

Mtnez. Vitidjin, Victor:
Overall record: 10-19-8
Total number of matches: 37
Win percentage ignoring draws: 34.482759
Win percentage including draws: 27.027027

Otero Martinez, Ruben R:
Overall record: 20-13-2
Total number of matches: 35
Win percentage ignoring draws: 60.606061
Win percentage including draws: 57.142857

Losada Lopez, Sergio:
Overall record: 26-5-4
Total number of matches: 35
Win percentage ignoring draws: 83.870968
Win percentage including draws: 74.285714

M‚ndez, V¡ctor:
Overall record: 24-6-2
Total number of matches: 32
Win percentage ignoring draws: 80.000000
Win percentage including draws: 75.000000

Callado, Alexander:
Overall record: 17-11-4
Total number of matches: 32
Win percentage ignoring draws: 60.714286
Win percentage including draws: 53.125000

Ortega Ruiz, Miguel Angel O:
Overall record: 27-5-0
Total number of matches: 32
Win percentage ignoring draws: 84.375000
Win percentage including draws: 84.375000

Carnicero, Juan F:
Overall record: 20-8-2
Total number of matches: 30
Win percentage ignoring draws: 71.428571
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Lopez, Jose Carlos J:
Overall record: 18-8-4
Total number of matches: 30
Win percentage ignoring draws: 69.230769
Win percentage including draws: 60.000000

Fernandez De Celis, Ricardo:
Overall record: 13-10-6
Total number of matches: 29
Win percentage ignoring draws: 56.521739
Win percentage including draws: 44.827586

Overall record: 28-0-0
Total number of matches: 28
Win percentage ignoring draws: 100.000000
Win percentage including draws: 100.000000

Gonz Lez, Santiago:
Overall record: 9-12-5
Total number of matches: 26
Win percentage ignoring draws: 42.857143
Win percentage including draws: 34.615385

De La Fuente, Pablo:
Overall record: 10-10-5
Total number of matches: 25
Win percentage ignoring draws: 50.000000
Win percentage including draws: 40.000000

Fernandez, Eduardo:
Overall record: 19-4-0
Total number of matches: 23
Win percentage ignoring draws: 82.608696
Win percentage including draws: 82.608696

Patterson, Guillermo:
Overall record: 18-4-1
Total number of matches: 23
Win percentage ignoring draws: 81.818182
Win percentage including draws: 78.260870

Alonso Barandiaran, Sergio:
Overall record: 6-13-3
Total number of matches: 22
Win percentage ignoring draws: 31.578947
Win percentage including draws: 27.272727

Rivero, Rogelio:
Overall record: 9-11-0
Total number of matches: 20
Win percentage ignoring draws: 45.000000
Win percentage including draws: 45.000000

Rodriguez, Alejandro:
Overall record: 15-4-1
Total number of matches: 20
Win percentage ignoring draws: 78.947368
Win percentage including draws: 75.000000

Gonzalez, Miguel Angel:
Overall record: 17-2-1
Total number of matches: 20
Win percentage ignoring draws: 89.473684
Win percentage including draws: 85.000000

Barrio, Daniel D:
Overall record: 18-1-0
Total number of matches: 19
Win percentage ignoring draws: 94.736842
Win percentage including draws: 94.736842

Sendra, Marc:
Overall record: 12-5-2
Total number of matches: 19
Win percentage ignoring draws: 70.588235
Win percentage including draws: 63.157895

Ant¢n, Mario:
Overall record: 16-2-1
Total number of matches: 19
Win percentage ignoring draws: 88.888889
Win percentage including draws: 84.210526

Rodriguez, Marcos M:
Overall record: 8-8-2
Total number of matches: 18
Win percentage ignoring draws: 50.000000
Win percentage including draws: 44.444444

Fern Ndez, Eduardo A:
Overall record: 14-3-1
Total number of matches: 18
Win percentage ignoring draws: 82.352941
Win percentage including draws: 77.777778

Brandon, Alvaro:
Overall record: 8-8-1
Total number of matches: 17
Win percentage ignoring draws: 50.000000
Win percentage including draws: 47.058824

Sergio, Alonso:
Overall record: 9-4-3
Total number of matches: 16
Win percentage ignoring draws: 69.230769
Win percentage including draws: 56.250000

Overall record: 11-3-2
Total number of matches: 16
Win percentage ignoring draws: 78.571429
Win percentage including draws: 68.750000

Cepeda, Asier:
Overall record: 8-6-2
Total number of matches: 16
Win percentage ignoring draws: 57.142857
Win percentage including draws: 50.000000

Mendez Cristobal, Alfonso:
Overall record: 5-7-3
Total number of matches: 15
Win percentage ignoring draws: 41.666667
Win percentage including draws: 33.333333

Flecha Tasc¢n, Adri N:
Overall record: 11-3-1
Total number of matches: 15
Win percentage ignoring draws: 78.571429
Win percentage including draws: 73.333333

Fernandez Perez, Jose Antonio:
Overall record: 10-3-0
Total number of matches: 13
Win percentage ignoring draws: 76.923077
Win percentage including draws: 76.923077

Compadre, Daniel:
Overall record: 9-3-0
Total number of matches: 12
Win percentage ignoring draws: 75.000000
Win percentage including draws: 75.000000

Mayorga, Alberto:
Overall record: 8-4-0
Total number of matches: 12
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.666667
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Llamas Torio, Luis Antonio:
Overall record: 8-3-1
Total number of matches: 12
Win percentage ignoring draws: 72.727273
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Dos Santos, David:
Overall record: 8-4-0
Total number of matches: 12
Win percentage ignoring draws: 66.666667
Win percentage including draws: 66.666667

Caihuela, Fco. Javier:
Overall record: 7-3-1
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 70.000000
Win percentage including draws: 63.636364

Mendez Cristobal, Alfonso A:
Overall record: 5-5-1
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 50.000000
Win percentage including draws: 45.454545

Sandoval, Bernardo:
Overall record: 4-7-0
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 36.363636
Win percentage including draws: 36.363636

Gutierrez, Oscar:
Overall record: 8-2-1
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 80.000000
Win percentage including draws: 72.727273

Fernandez, Juan Jose:
Overall record: 7-2-2
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 77.777778
Win percentage including draws: 63.636364

Coca, Carlos:
Overall record: 10-1-0
Total number of matches: 11
Win percentage ignoring draws: 90.909091
Win percentage including draws: 90.909091

Melcon, Fernando:
Overall record: 7-3-0
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 70.000000
Win percentage including draws: 70.000000

Alvarez Granell, Esteban:
Overall record: 4-4-2
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 50.000000
Win percentage including draws: 40.000000

Renedo, Ivan:
Overall record: 6-4-0
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 60.000000
Win percentage including draws: 60.000000

Blanco, Guillermo:
Overall record: 8-1-1
Total number of matches: 10
Win percentage ignoring draws: 88.888889
Win percentage including draws: 80.000000

Carnicero, Juan:
Overall record: 7-2-0
Total number of matches: 9
Win percentage ignoring draws: 77.777778
Win percentage including draws: 77.777778

Fernandez Manovel, Jose Carlos:
Overall record: 8-1-0
Total number of matches: 9
Win percentage ignoring draws: 88.888889
Win percentage including draws: 88.888889

Alex, Callado:
Overall record: 7-0-1
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 100.000000
Win percentage including draws: 87.500000

Mayo Gavela, Diego:
Overall record: 4-3-1
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 57.142857
Win percentage including draws: 50.000000

Garcia Gonzalez, Sergio:
Overall record: 3-5-0
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 37.500000
Win percentage including draws: 37.500000

Moral, Roberto:
Overall record: 5-3-0
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.500000
Win percentage including draws: 62.500000

Martinez, Hector:
Overall record: 6-2-0
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 75.000000
Win percentage including draws: 75.000000

Melcon, Jesus:
Overall record: 5-3-0
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.500000
Win percentage including draws: 62.500000

Alonso Del Riego, Adrian:
Overall record: 5-3-0
Total number of matches: 8
Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.500000
Win percentage including draws: 62.500000

La pagina es Os invito a que pongais en comentarios vuestro %. Animaros

5 comentarios:

  1. Overall record: 1782-1050-166
    Win percentage ignoring draws: 62.923729
    Win percentage including draws: 59.439626

    Soy Sando

  2. Madre mia sando la de partidas que has jugado. No creo que te gane nadie en León.
    Un abrazo

  3. ya jajajajaja, sando k grande esas truchas cuantos torneos habran ganado ajaj

    pd:soy compadree

  4. Overall record: 203-283-12
    Win percentage ignoring draws: 41.769547
    Win percentage including draws: 40.763052
    Ya subirán esas victorias jajaja, soy Leo.
    PD: Compadre noob

  5. ya jaaajjajajajaj, leo k se donde vivessss ya veras cuando vuelvas aaaiaiaiai

    pd:creo k no hace falta k ponga kien soy leo ya sabes
